At the time of writing, the price of the game on Steam is a hilarious RM345000. This makes it thousands of times more expensive than the other titles in the series. Made even more hilarious is the Assassin’s Creed bundle on the storefront. It features three other entries in the series, showing the stark contrast in prices. And it doesn’t look to be just Malaysia either. According to SteamDB, the price of Assassin’s Creed Unity is messed up across multiple regions. The worst example is Indonesia, with the game being priced at IDR28 (~RM0.0084)

It doesn’t help that the one suffering the price bug is the title with the one of the roughest launches in the series. Assassin’s Creed Unity was plagued with bugs of its own during launch, with resulted in now-infamous nightmare fuel memes. Remember the floating eyeballs and teeth with no face? It was also one of the first AC games to come with microtransactions. This was especially egregious for what’s mostly a singleplayer experience. If you didn’t get Assassin’s Creed Unity for free shortly after the Notre Dame cathedral fire, now’s basically the worst time to get it. There’s also little doubt this bug will be fixed soon. But it’s still undeniably hilarious that the price of a video game on Steam, and an old one at that, suddenly became comparable to that of a house. (Source: Steam [1], [2], SteamDB via The Star)

Assassin s Creed Unity Is Priced At RM345000 On Steam  Likely Due To A Bug - 21