The company has revealed several technical details regarding the new console such as ultra high-speed solid state drive, hardware-based ray tracing, custom AMD Ryzen CPU, Navi-based AMD Radeon GPU, and many more. Unlike Microsoft though, Sony has yet to officially reveal the physical design of PlayStation 5 although pictures of its development kit have made their way online. More importantly, the official price of the console has not been revealed as well. Despite that, it doesn’t stop well-known local game retailer, Gamers Hideout (GH) for announcing the pre-order for PlayStation 5. According to a post on its Facebook page, gamers are able to cop a spot on the game shop’s PlayStation 5 priority list with a deposit of RM 99.90. Regardless of whether you find it absurdly early to place a pre-order for the console or just a classic case of early marketing move, there is one thing for sure: PlayStation 5 is coming and the hype train has just begun. (Source: Gamers Hideout.)