Google posted the announcement on its Android Developers Blog. In it, the company says that the last version of the Google Play Services to support the nine-year-old mobile OS will be version 21.30.99. This version is set to be released some time in August 2021. The internet search giant also mentions that the active device count for Jelly Bean as of this month is at one percent. Which is still a surprising number, considering the age of Android Jelly Bean.

Ultimately, this shouldn’t affect the general population of Android users. But for the affected mythical one percent, this doesn’t mean that you are forced to upgrade. It just means that apps that support the old mobile OS will not benefit from new capabilities added to the Google Play Services. Though all things considered, maybe an upgrade is way overdue for the affected users. After all, you’re missing out on a whole lot of other features that the new versions of Android bring to the table. (Source: Google)

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