Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday revealed that Malaysia will have enough vaccine to cover around 82.8% of the population or 26.5 million citizens. These vaccines are being sourced from five pharmaceutical companies from all over the world such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, CanSino, and Gamaleya as well as through the global COVAX Facility. Timed nicely with the announcement, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has since launched an online survey to gauge the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine in Malaysia. You don’t have to provide your name, address, or IC number if you choose to participate in the survey but it did ask for your age, gender, occupation, education level and selected illnesses. Participants of the survey are also being asked if you live with the elderly, child, a pregnant woman, or someone with chronic illness. In addition to that, there is also a section which discussed the reasons behind your acceptance or refusal of the vaccine.

The final section of the online survey did raise our curiosity though since it asked whether one was willing to pay for the COVID-19 vaccine or otherwise, as shown above. This is because PM Muhyiddin had previously mentioned that the COVID-19 vaccine will be made available for free to all Malaysians. Meanwhile, MoH didn’t mention how long this survey would last but nevertheless, do click on to this link if you are interested to participate in it. (Main Image: Nataliya Vaitkevich @ Pexels.)

Health Ministry Wants To Know If Malaysians Are Willing To Take The COVID 19 Vaccine - 46