Directed by Adrian Teh (Ice Kacang Puppy Love, King of Mahjong), centres around our very own Pasukan Khas Laut (Naval Special Warfare Forces) and is inspired by a couple of their real-life missions — the one that took place in Angola back in 1998 and the MT Bunga Laurel hijacking in the Gulf of Aden in 2011. Check out the trailer below: Paskal was knocked by critics for its less than stellar script and tonal imbalances. However, most agreed that despite being a director who previously only tangoed in the realm of comedy, Adrian Teh proved that he’s highly capable of crafting action sequences. Paskal also appears to be universally loved by general audiences. With an 8.6/10 user score, it is currently the highest rated Malaysian film on IMDb. Paskal stars Hairul Azreen, Ammar Alfian, Taufiq Hanafi, Gambit Saifullah, Hafizul Kamal, G Theeban, Henley Hii, Nam Ron, Amerul Affendi, Datuk Eizlan Yusof, Tiger Chen, Steve Yap and Jasmine Suraya Chin.