Blass said that the Korean tech giant aims to have at least one phone using this graphene battery tech by either 2020 or 2021. He also said that the new battery will be capable of getting fully charged in under 30 minutes. The current hurdle the company is facing to raise capacities and lower costs.

Based on the previous report, Samsung planned to use the graphene balls to increasbe battery capacities by 45%, while also reducing charge times by up to five times. The graphene balls are also said to be able improve charge retention. It’s interesting to see a patent filed in 2017 entering the commercial market in as soon as three years. That is, of course, assuming that the information is accurate. Considering it’s not from an official Samsung announcement, it should be taken with a pinch of salt. (Source: Evan Blass / Twitter via CNET)

Samsung To Use Graphene In Phone Battery As Early As Next Year - 21