In a recent Endgame phone interview with a Chinese press Ent.qq, Joe Russo answered a lot of the major plot holes constantly brought up by the film’s biggest critics. Note that the following quotes are translated from Chinese (via Reddit).

Is the plot of Endgame a parallel universe or a closed time loop?

Why did Iron Man have to be the one to do the final snap, as opposed to people like Thor, Captain Marvel or Star-Lord, who have all previously handled the power of the Infinity Stones?

When Captain America went back in (alternate) time, were there two Caps in the same universe?

Why didn’t Doctor Strange just cut off Thanos’ hand with his portal abilities, as he’s done to other characters?

Can you get the soul you sacrificed for the Soul Stone back when you return it? (i.e. return the stone and bring back Black Widow.)

Why didn’t anyone use the Time Stone to save Iron Man, just like how Thanos used the Time Stone to bring back Vision to life before killing him again in Infinity War? 

How did Thanos bring his army to the ‘main timeline’ when there weren’t enough Pym particles?

What do the five years leap mean to the people who got dusted?

What happened if the mouse didn’t press the button on the quantum machine?

(Source:, via Reddit) People usually think the death of a hero is a horrible tragedy. But we think this is different. When his death was able to bring back hope, to save half of the universe, then his death was powerful and meaningful. We shouldn’t feel too sad or angry about it.” They didn’t know what happened. It’s as if they had just woke up from a long sleep. The only one who was aware of how many years has passed was Doctor Strange because he has already seen that when he was time-meditating on Titan. Parker’s reunion with Ned was a touching moment. There are also people who indeed moved on but suddenly was reunited with their lost ones. Yeah, it’s kinda complicated world now.” Avengers: Endgame is currently screening in Malaysian cinemas.

Don’t forget to click here to check out our Avengers: Endgame review.

The Russo Brothers Explain All the Plot Holes in Avengers  Endgame - 13The Russo Brothers Explain All the Plot Holes in Avengers  Endgame - 68