Teaming up with Wan’s veteran director of photography, Don Burgess, who has been lensing movies since the 80s. Here, his cinematography is sublime, lighting and capturing some of the most gorgeous images ever seen in a comic book outing. The scene where Aquaman and Mera (Amber Heard) dive into the ocean carrying flares, with hundreds of scary creatures [the Trench] on their tail is one of the most gorgeously painted sequences of the year. It would be a damn shame if Burgess doesn’t get an Oscar nomination for his work here.

Naturally, I was excited when James Wan and Warner Bros announced that they’re developing a horror-esque film centred around the Trench. However, we haven’t heard much about the film since last year I believe. But, it looks like the film is still in the works. Aquaman writer, David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick was asked on Twitter when the spinoff will be set, to which he said “theoretically, it takes place between 1 and 2. But some pieces is still being worked out.”

— David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick (@bravecarrot) March 21, 2020 The script for the Aquaman spinoff centred around these scary creatures are currently being written by Noah Gardner, Aidan Fitzgerald and James Wan. It’s still unclear if James Wan himself will be directing the movie, though, one can hope.