One of the obvious options is that customers can port out to other telcos especially for those who want to retain their numbers. That being said, Tron has also arranged a special direct port-in program involving Tune Talk that already in progress and applicable until 31 January 2019.

Of course, customers can also choose to terminate their Tron service and the phone number that attached to their Tron account altogether. For these customers, they can apply for a refund of their reload balance from Tron until 17 January 2019. If customers choose not to do anything by that date, their numbers will be then automatically transferred to Digi. This despite the fact that that the reason why Tron who has been in operation since 2011 decided to shut down its service is because its contract with Digi has expired. Additionally, both companies were also not able to find mutual ground for them to continue their collaboration further. If you are a Tron customer, there is still some time for you to decide your next move. So, don’t rush it out. (Source: Tron. Images: Tron – 1, 2. Thanks to everyone that submitted the tips!)

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